The sixth chakra is the Third Eye chakra, which is named Anja; represents light, enlightenment, and its color is indigo. It is found in the brow and represents intuition and manifestation. The crystals that help heal the Third Eye chakra are the Amethyst, the purple fluorite, and the lapis lazuli. Musical note for Third Eye chakra: Dhaivata, Dha A. Singing raga Hameer, Bhup, Bhageshi help balance this chakra.
The Third Eye chakra when it is in balance, you will be able to feel wisdom flowing in you, knowledge, and confidence in your intuition. The third eye, in its harmonious state, will help us transform the “difficult” feeling into the fine intuition that can support us daily.
The Third Eye chakra when overactive, you may feel headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, and difficulty concentrating. When underactive, you would feel poor memory, poor vision, unimaginative and denial. Meditate to heal the sixth chakra.
Click Here to enjoy healing music for the Third Eye Chakra, and meditate.
The sixth chakra is strongly related to dreams. Meditation routines that include solid visualizations can help heal this chakra. Practice meditation routines that include closing your eyes and imagining tranquil landscapes using all the senses to make the landscape as vivid as possible.
Visualize your dreams, accomplishments and plans fulfilled. Visualize the indigo color. If you are having trouble viewing, take meditation classes that include viewing or search for guided routines.
Affirm: I see. Voluntarily I let go of all the fears of seeing the past, the present and the future. I let go of any fear I have so I can see loving beings of Light. It is okay for me to see my truth. My vision is perfectly orderly and enlightened by love.