The fifth chakra is the Throat chakra, which is named Vissudha; represents the sound and its color is blue. It is locating the throat and represents expression, truth, and creativity. The crystals that help heal the Throat chakra are Lapis lazuli, turquoise, and aquamarine. Musical note for Throat chakra: Panchama, Pa G. Singing raga Puriya dhanashri, Jaijaiwanti help balance this chakra.
The Throat chakra when, it is in balance, you may feel that your conversations are full of harmony and truthfulness, you feel harmony with yourself. The Throat chakra when overactive, you may feel excessive talking, inability to listen and stuttering. When underactive, you would feel fear of speaking, poor rhythm, and aphasia.
Use the sound to heal the fifth chakra. The fifth chakra can be healed by sound therapy. Songs and mantras can help heal the fifth chakra. You can also listen to music to heal it. Visualize the blue color.
Click Here to enjoy healing music for the Throat Chakra, and meditate.
Affirm while, you are practicing these activities: I talk. I voluntarily let go of all fear and negativity that blocks me from expressing my truth. I lovingly speak my truth and allow my Higher Self to speak through me. I use my words to create beauty in this world.