For Hinduism, chakras are immeasurable energy centers, that is, they are not measurable and are located in our bodies.
According to different doctrines, at the end of the nineteenth century, there were 6 chakras. However, in the mid-twentieth century and the new era of the late twentieth century, there are seven chakras considered.
Chakras are points of energy that, when in balance, enhance our vital energy in the same way that this energy ensures greater well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually. In Indian traditions, chakras are energy discs found in our subtle body, in an invisible but real dimension found in our physical body.
Chakra means, in Sanskrit, circle. The chakras are rotating wheels or energetic vortices responsible for the regulation of the energy body and they are found throughout the length and width of our energetic body penetrating all our fields: Etheric field (the closest to the body; layer up to about 6 cm thick); Emotional Field; Mental Field and Spiritual Field.